We were commissioned to produce the Energy Live News Consultancy Awards presentations and dinner at the British Film Institute and aboard the Silver Sturgeon. The awards celebrated the UK’s top energy consultants; the awards ceremony itself took place at the BFI with the after party and dinner being served on the Silver Sturgeon, cruising the Thames. .
“We have been working with the team at Distinct Solutions for several years now and are always impressed with the commitment, passion and delivery they demonstrate in the planning and execution of each event.”
Sumit Bose, Commercial Director – Energy Live News
Ever wondered what you should do with your spare disused power station? Well here is an idea!! Turn it into a temporary event space for 450 senior managers.
12 days onsite, 2 days of show, heating, carpets, curtains and a shed load of lighting. One of the most rewarding events for RWE npower and all of the Distinct Solutions Team.
"It was such a lovely feeling seeing this old cathedral of a building, burst into life for a few days. The music, laugher and engagement for all of the team made the space feel warm and inviting, even when it was -10 outside. The sad part was closing the building and locking the door at the end but we gave this magnificent structure a fantastic send off. Littlebrook B is now no longer there, but we are pleased to to send it off in style" - Phil Healy - MD
Geberit asked Distinct to produce their VIP event in 2018 for some of their biggest VIP clients. We needed to be in close proximity to their brand new offices and showroom in Warwick.... only thing is, most of the hotels in the area are rustic and historic and not quite "Geberit". So... we decided to take over a car park and build a bespoke world for Geberit.
Click on the video to see what we delivered for them.
"We want to do something different!!! Not the normally sort of stand... it all gets a bit boring!! We want to show all of npower's business areas and what we get involved in. Any ideas? "
Click to the right and see what we designed and built and the responses from our clients and their customers!!
Ok... So this is what happened..... Brace yourself.
The team at Distinct started working to a brief from npower in June 2006 to head to Manchester for npower's Senior Management Conference. We had a good six months to prep and prepare so looked at a number of venues and locations for this event, designed a look and feel and felt excited for the feedback.
After several weeks of planning, we presented our proposal to the exec team on 19th December, just before we broke for Christmas.. Oh... the event was due to go live on 26th January 2007. The first piece of feedback from the CEO: "Why are we going back to Manchester? We went there a couple of years back. Why did you tell Phil and the team we wanted to go there?... The room fell silent and a few blank faces.
"I want to go to the Eden Project.. I went there with the family during the summer and they have a lovely synergy with renewable energy that we can explore. Lets go there!"
The room was more silent..... At this point, we had exactly three and a half weeks to delivery this project. The event date had not changed and everywhere shut down on 21st December for Christmas.
Phil: "Just want to mention, that there is no real workable space at the Eden Project, they have the domes which are fantastic, but no space to put on an Conference. We would have to build something!"
CEO: "Then Build it!" with a smile on his face.
Phil - So We did.
450 Delegates, Flights, Accommodation, Catering, Toilets, Carpets, Sound, Lighting, AV, Power Generation, Ice Rink, Lenny Henry and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. All designed, build and delivered in three and a half working weeks.
"Oh.. and the MD and his Wife had twins on 14th January 2007. They were due the day before the event but they had them out early to make sure they could be at Eden" Yeah!!! I know... its amazing what you will do to keep your clients happy!!
Distinct Solutions were again asked to support the fantastic team at DCD with their annual awards at the Westminster Bridge Plaza in London in December 2023.
We had the pleasure with working with the fantastic Darah O'Brien who hosted the awards for the 1,000 guest who attended.
The Distinct team were asked to support once again with the arriva Senior Management Conference 2015 in Budapest, Hungary
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